Sep 12, 2014

背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing

背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail 背單字 - 英文單字王2 EngKing - screenshot thumbnail
庆祝全系列破 350 万下载量,英文单字王2直購專業版 优惠中 $3.99!
系统开发:台湾最大云端补习班 - 艾尔云校,首创「名师云端补习」的云端学校

英文单字王是一套易学易用的【背单字软体】,字库量高达一万个以上精选必背单字,不仅涵盖教育部规定必备常用七千两百个单字,并且额外提供 TOEIC 必备上千单字,实用例句更多达一万三千句,让您可以买一个App胜过买三四个App的单字学习量!

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1. 配合airABC服务将单字本上传下载至云端
2. 热门单字本可加入收藏,进行学习及测验
3. 单字学习:每阶段以25个单字为限(乱数产生)
4. 单字测验:多种单字测验,更有效刺激学习记忆
5. 测验记录上传:上传个人英文单字测验记录
6. 易错字TOP 100:显示个人最易错的前100个单字



celebrate the full range of breaking 3.5 million downloads, direct purchase of the English word king 2 Professional Edition Offers in $ 4.99!
Free reservation Universe 1 to 1 teacher teaching:
★ Android Free Cumulative downloads has exceeded 1.8 million, the most popular software to learn English
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Data from the studies Taiwan's largest digital teaching technology company Knowledge Universe - Authorization] [School teacher.
English words Wang is a easy to use software for word [back], the amount of up to ten thousand font selection Bibei more vocabulary, covering not only the Ministry of Education must-seven thousand two hundred words used, and additional thousands necessary to provide TOEIC word, practical examples of thirteen thousand more, so you can buy a quantity of App vocabulary learning than buying three or four of App!
Through word study, vocabulary quizzes pronounce words plus three functions allow you to prepare entrance exams, English test no problem!

facebook fan group:

Word level is divided into beginner, intermediate, senior, TOEIC TOEIC, Business English in the workplace, such as the six custom levels, and revised from time to time to increase the functionality and new words.

We recommend that you learn so
1 Recognizing words: first understand the word, part of speech, word meaning, sentence
2 Skilled words: words by pronunciation, oral practice, practice spelling words such as skilled words
3 Extended Learning: Using the word search button For more explanation, example (requires connection)

1 The word of the service with airABC upload and download to the cloud
2 Hot words can be added to the collection, learning and testing
3 word learning: Each stage is limited to 25 words (random number generator)
4 word quiz: multiple vocabulary tests, more effectively stimulate learning and memory
5 Test record Upload: Upload your English vocabulary test records
6 Easy typo TOP 100:. Displays the most error-prone individuals before 100 words

Q & A:
A present as long as the application is moved to the SD memory card, Android will not enable desktop gadget (Widget), if you have to use the desktop gadget needs, recommend the program back to the phone memory, reboot and then reset Widget can be.
2 resident asked about the program, because the use of desktop gadgets cases require the maintenance program updates in the background, only the word update cycle will read the word, the power consumption is only concerned with the update frequency, default is very slight, please rest assured to use.

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