Oct 16, 2016

Kids AppFriday: Special Mother Day - Free or Discounted Apps!

Kids App Friday Deals

It’s AppFriday time .. This week we have a special for Mother Day … our little gift to all the mums following us! … and of course, as usual a complete selection of great app for you to share with your kids!

Fun play Apps wishes you all a HAPPY MOTHER DAY and a great AppFriday! For extra special offer make sure to check out our APP Giveaway Pages

  • Smart Kids Third Grade – 0.99 USD
  • Smart Kids Third Grade HD –  1.99 USD
  • 8:00 pm Sydney time [Kick Off Party hosted by Karen Robertson of Treasure Kai]
  • 10:00 am San Francisco time  [Download Party hosted by James of Woven App]

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