Oct 2, 2016

Word Ball: Top Word Game App for Kids 8+

Word Ball - Word game for kdis Word Ball
is a fun challenging educational game app that gets you to think about words in a new and innovative way. Check the letters get a word, spell it now or the letter you need might disappear, bounce or shrink. Sounds easy ... Give it a try and build up your vocabulary. 

Word games are always great support. They offer a great way to learn, spell and expand your vocabulary. Ideal for kids but also fun for grown up. Scrabble is probably one of the most well know word game but today Fun play Apps wants to let you know about Word Ball a new approach to word game.

Word Ball - Top Word Game App for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad

Word Ball might look easy at first. You have balls floating over the screen. Each one

contains a letter and you need to make up word with them. The twist is that the letter are moving, bouncing, shrinking and if you don't use a letter fast enough it will disappear!! Each time you make a word you get points and of course the longer the word the more points you get ... Enough to get you addicted!

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