Sep 26, 2016

Best Kids eBook Apps for your Week End – Children Book Apps Review

Best Kids Book Apps What’s on Fun play Apps iPhone this Week End?

Every week the kids are looking forward to the new book apps I download on their iPod Touch. I must admit, it is so nice to see them enjoy eBooks so much. Books apps at home, just gives a new dimension to my kids reading experience. Even better, they still read paper books and have added book apps.
The book apps they really liked this week are quite diverse. It goes from one more book app on Halloween, an original fairy tale, a classic tall tales of the Old West and the last one a bit of thinking on a way to a happy and successful life.

Lula's Brew: Book App on Halloween
Lula “Lula's Aunties want her to be a witch just like them. But Lula hates to fly on a broom and prefers to study cook books rather than spell books -- she wants to be a famous chef. In desperation, the Aunties insist she try to make one last potion. Lula secretly adds her cooking flair and in true witchy fashion ends up creating a brew that bewitches the entire town and maybe her Aunties too!”
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