Sep 27, 2016

PlayTime Theater: Virtual Puppet Show for iPad a New and Innovative app for Kids

Playtime theater - interactive playset for iPad PlayTime Theater: A Great App to let kids develop their imagination

Kids of all age always love to set up a show. Now give them an iPad, a creative and innovative app and you are on for a great show with PlayTime Theater a unique, original and imaginative app for the iPad. Get ready for the show, and let your kids develop their imagination. 

PlayTime Theater is the first app we have seen that allows kids to create and develop their own digital play set. It allows kids to select a castle setting and create as many characters as they want. Once the set is ready, kids simply tap the record button and off they go ready to create and animate their own interactive show. PlayTime Theater gives them the freedom to move characters from one set place to another, gives them expression by tapping on their face, add their own narration, music and props. Once done, simply hit “play” and their story come to life. PlayTime Theater records the show for you and you and your kids are ready to watch their creations. 

Enjoy the show with PlayTime Theater, “Turn off the video Game and turn on your imagination.”

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