Sep 26, 2016

Okenko Books: New on iPhone Kids Book Apps Subscription

Okenko Books - Kids Book Apps now on iPhone, Ipod and iPad

Okenko Kids Books

Okenko Books is a family based kids book app publisher and strive to deliver inspiring stories with beautiful illustrations designed for kids 4-8years. Okenko Books has been part of the kids’ book apps market for few months, and up to few days ago, Okenko Books were only available via mobile devices using the Android platform.

Since this week, Okenko Books joined the iApps market and their kid’s book apps can now be read on the iPod, iPad and iPod Touch devices.

Okenko Books has been co-founded by Jitka Adeleke.  Jikta is also a writer and when asked what her goal is, she says:

 “Our intention is to stay as close to the book medium as possible, so we do not offer any distracting interactive features and games. We keep things simple: just text and pictures. Our book-apps must be read, either by a budding reader, parent, older sibling or friend.”

How to get Okenko Books?

  • Get the free Okenko Books Reader on iTunes 
  • Subscribe to Okenko Books via their website
  • There you are, ready to enjoy top kids books apps

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